Managing storage capacity is another potentially huge topic, even for a midsized company. The storage management functionality within vSphere is fairly comprehensive and a significant improvement over VI3.
- Identify storage provisioning methods
- Identify available storage monitoring tools, metrics and alarms
Skills and Abilities
- Apply space utilization data to manage storage resources
- Provision and manage storage resources according to Virtual Machine requirements
- Understand interactions between virtual storage provisioning and physical storage provisioning
- Apply VMware storage best practices
- Configure datastore alarms
- Analyze datastore alarms and errors to determine space availability
Tools & learning resources
- vSphere Datacenter Administration Guide
- Fibre Channel SAN Configuration Guide
- iSCSI SAN Configuration Guide
- vSphere Command?Line Interface Installation and Scripting Guide
- vmkfstools
- Marc Polo’s study guide notes
Storage provisioning methods
There are three main protocols you can use to provision storage;
- Fibre channel
- Block protocol
- Uses multipathing (PSA framework)
- Configured via vicfg-mpath, vicfg-scsidevs
- block protocol
- Uses multipathing (PSA framework)
- hardware or software (boot from SAN is h/w initiator only)
- configured via vicfg-iscsi, esxcfg-swiscsi and esxcfg-hwiscsi, vicfg-mpath, esxcli
- File level (not block)
- No multipathing (uses underlying Ethernet network resilience)
- Thin by default
- no RDM, MSCS,
- configured via vicfg-nas
I won’t go into much detail on each, just make sure you’re happy provisioning storage for each protocol both in the VI client and the CLI.
Know the various options for provisioning storage;
- VI client. Can be used to create/extend/delete all types of storage. VMFS volumes created via the VI client are automatically aligned.
- CLI – vmkfstools.
- NOTE: When creating a VMFS datastore via CLI you need to align it. Check VMFS alignment using ‘fdisk –lu’. Read more in Duncan Epping’s blogpost.
- PowerCLI. Managing storage with PowerCLI – VMwareKB1028368
- Vendor plugins (Netapp RCU for example). I’m not going to cover this here as I doubt the VCAP-DCA exam environment will include (or assume any knowledge of) these!
When provisioning storage there are various considerations;
- Thin vs thick
- Extents vs true extension
- Local vs FC/iSCSI vs NFS
Continue reading VCAP-DCA Study notes – 1.2 Manage Storage Capacity