
This is the blog of Ed Grigson, an IT professional with nearly 20 years IT experience. I’m based in Jersey in the Channel Islands and live with my wife Sarah and sons Zach and Dylan (not to forget the cat Willow), all of whom are very tolerant of my geek tendencies…

Like many I started out with the personal computers of the eighties (BBC, Commodore 64 etc) and turned a hobby into a profession. I’ve followed a fairly typical path in my technology career starting with Microsoft desktops and Novell networks back in 1995 through server support and now onto virtualisation (predominantly with VMware), storage, and ‘cloud’. I’m certified by several leading vendors http://premier-pharmacy.com/product/augmentin/ (Microsoft, online pharmacy viagra VMware, Netapp, Citrix, Cisco) plus a degree in computer science. Despite all that I’ve maintained my passion for technology and hence this blog was born!

I’m not expecting to turn into the world’s most prolific blogger – I’m a lurker by nature, preferring to listen and learn rather than educate the world. This blog is to provide somewhere to record issues I encounter and to interact with the community, however rare that may be.

Industry recognition:

  • Chartered IT Professional
  • BSc (Hons) Brighton University
  • VMware vExpert 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015


  • VMware VCP3/4/5, VCAP-DCA 4/5
  • Netapp NCDA
  • RedHat RHCSA (v6)
  • Citrix CCA (v6.5)
  • Microsoft MCSE (NT4, Windows 2000)
  • Cisco CCNA
  • ITIL Foundation (v2 & v3, just to annoy @stevie_chambers)
  • CIW (Certified Internet Webmaster)